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Questions 41 - 50 Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. 
Nothing captures our attention quite like a good story. Long before there were television, movies, radio, and even books, people told stories as a way to entertain and educate. Storytelling was as important to prehistoric cave-dwellers eating antelope around a fire as it is to corporate executives doing lunch. It’s in our human blood. We love the development of plot and character, the climax, the resolution, the vicarious thrill of living and learning through tales of others sufferings and triumphs. All of literature and media is but an extension of the more basic urge to tell a good story. The advantage of storytelling, though, is that you do it in person - right there, right in front of people, so you get to see, hear and feel their reactions. Unlike books and television, storytelling is much more interactive and personal. You don’t do it alone, unless you’re quite psychotic .......... but that’s another story. Without a doubt, stories
capture all sorts of truths about life and death. There are also witty, entertaining, humorous, and at times puzzling, even mind-bending stories. The ancient teachers intended the stories to be used by everyone, everywhere. On the train to work, during dinner at a restaurant, leaning over the backyard fence as you talk to your neighbour - all of these situations and more lend themselves to the stories. Once you listen to and learn a few of them, you will see opportunities to tell them popping up everywhere with your family, friends, and co-workers. Think of the tales as conversation pieces, as handy tools that you can lift out of your pocket to help you and others talk, think and laugh about the wondrous and mysterious details of this thing we call Life. 
41. The passage discusses .................................... 
(A) How stories evolved 
(B) Story telling 
(C) Where to use stories 
(D) Why use stories 
42. Stories are intended for .......................................... 
(A) Cave-dwellers 
(B) Everyone 
(C) Illiterates only 
(D) Literates only 
43. The opportunity for telling a story emerges ................................. 
(A) Never 
(B) Rarely 
(C) Sometimes 
(D) Unexpectedly
44. The thrill stories generate can be described as .......................... 
(A) Empathetic 
(B) Second-hand 
(C) Unintended 
(D) Unusual 
45. What is described as wondrous and mysterious? 
(A) Life 
(B) Stories 
(C) Story telling 
(D) The plot of stories 
46. Pick out the word that means, ‘to suddenly appear, especially when not expected’ from the passage. 
(A) Capture 
(B) Pop up 
(C) Urge 
(D) Vicarious 
47. Identify the word that does not belong to the category of the words listed. 
(A) Advantage 
(B) Humorous
(C) Opportunity 
(D) Reaction 
48. Complete the sentence, ‘our anything quite like a good story’. 
(A) is not captured 
(B) were not captured 
(C) have not been captured 
(D) are not been captured 
49. Pick out the sentence which has a ‘Subject + Verb + Complement’ pattern out of the following. 
(A) Storytelling is much more interactive and personal 
(B) The ancient teachers intended the stories to be used by everyone, everywhere 
(C) We love the development of plot and character 
(D) You don’t do it alone 
50. Which word out of the following has taken a prefix in its derivative? 
(A) Antelope 
(B) Important 
(C) Prehistoric 
(D) Restaurant
Questions 51 - 60 Fill in the blanks in the given passage by picking up the right options given below it.  
Education is not a .......51........activity of information transmission ...........52 .........teachers are not information dispensers. Teachers need to be looked crucial mediating agents through .........54......... curriculum is transacted and knowledge is co-constructed ......55.... with learners. Textbooks .......56...... themselves do not help in......57...... knowledge and understanding. Learning is not confined to the four walls of ...58..... classroom. For this to happen, there is a need to connect knowledge to life ......59....... the school and .......60.......the curriculum by making it less textbook-centered. 
51. (A) Mechanic 
(B) Mechanical  
(C) Mechanics 
(D) Mechanized 
52. (A) And 
(B) But (C) By 
(D) That 
53. (A) At 
(B) In (C) On 
(D) With 
54. (A) Which 
(B) Who 
(C) Whom 
(D) Whose 55. (A) About 
(B) Across 
(C) Along 
(D) Aside 56. (A) By 
(B) On 
(C) Under
(D) With 
57. (A) Develop 
(B) Developing 
(C) Development 

(D) Developmental 
58. (A) A 
(B) An 
(C) No article 

(D) The 
59. (A) Beside 
(B) Besides 
(C) Out of 

(D) Out side 
60. (A) Enrich 
(B) Enriches 
(C) Enriching 

(D) Enrichment 
Questions 61 - 70 Pick out the right answers from the options given. 
61. Which of the following sentence shows Susan’s ability in the past? 
(A) Susan could swim for long hours 
(B) Susan had been swimming for long hours 
(C) Susan swam for long hours 
(D) Susan would swim for long hours
62. Which expression out of the following will you use to show you are sorry or sad about something? 
(A) Alas 
(B) Keep it up 
(C) Look out 
(D) Try again 
63. Would you (A) Join 
(C) Joining 
(B) Joins 
(D) To join 
64. I love ................... birds. 
(A) Watching 
(C) Watched 
(B) Watch 
(D) Watches 
65. If she had invited me.................... 
(A) I will attend the function 
(B) I will have attended the function 
(C) I would attend the function 
(D) I would have attended the function 
66. the office since 1999. 
(A) Had been working 
(B) Has been working 
(C) Is working 
(D) Was working 
67. His sister works in a factory,........? 
(A) does he? 
(B) doesn’t he? 
(C) does she? 
(D) doesn’t she? 
68. Which of the following expression will you use to say politely that you can’t do a thing? 
(A) I am afraid I can’t do it 
(B) I can’t do it 
(C) I shouldn’t do it 
(D) I won’t do it 
69. Which question out of the following will you ask to get the underlined word as answer in the sentence, ‘I have been waiting here for 2 hours.’ 
(A) How far have you been waiting? 
(B) How long have you been waiting? 
(C) How many time have you been waiting? 
(D) How much time have you been waiting? 
70. Which of the following expression will you use to show your determination in doing something? 
(A) I can do it 
(B) I may do it 
(C) I might do it 
(D) I will do it
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